So every week Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer hosts the Works For Me Wednesday Blog Carnival. This week I feel somewhat silly sharing because I learned about this site and program by seeing references in SO many of your blogs!

I am a FLYLady convert!! I've been reading about her lovely little program for quite some time now and decided to go over to the site and check it out. After a week of reading about it and psyching myself up....I did my first sink shine on Saturday. Now, let me digress for a moment to say that I have been called a neat freak numerous times. I like my house a certain way and believe that doorjambs and baseboards should be dusted on a regular basis. However, my lovely fiance is a bit...well....messy. So between us now sharing an abode and trying to combine 2 homes, the large assortment of pets in our home (including our roommate Tony), the small space in which we live and my insane work schedule, the house has become ... gasp ... a total mess! There, I've said it....you can all shame me if you will now! I can take it! ;-)
Anyway....There just seemed to be SO much to do that I felt overwhelmed and couldn't drive myself to get anything done. And that is where FLYLady stepped in. OMGoodness - what a divine concept. So now I shine my sink every time I use it, spend 15 minutes decluttering, go through 27 things...etc. The amazing part is that in the 5 days since I've begun this plan I've already noticed a tremendous difference! The house is looking (and staying) cleaner, my stress has nearly dissipated and Tony and Glen are pitching in even more!
So I have to say, FLYLady works for me - go check her out. And for more great ideas, check out Works for me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer
FlyLady is great!!! I've got a category on my own blog devoted to my flylady routines and did a WFMW post on how i adapted her swish and swipe bathroom routine to suite our home! :) it's great.... albeit though, I come from a different end of the spectrum than you - I'm a total slob..haha..or at least I WAS until I learned how to manage clean up through flylady stuff! shiny sinks are great.. :)
I love FlyLady too! Even when I fall out of the routines, I can always tell myself "15 minutes!" and I feel better just doing something.
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