Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway - Starbucks Card

So, I started with WFMW and thought I'd end the day with a bloggy giveaway. I've only recently found this wonderful carnival and thought I'd join in this week. So I'm giving away a $10.00 gift cards for Starbucks.

So leave a comment with the following info:
1. Name (and e-mail if you're not signed in to blogger)
2. What is the biggest obstacle you encounter in your daily life (ie: messy kids, messy husband, small home)

I'll be using a random number generator on Sunday, February 3rd to choose the winner and will be sending out the card on Monday!

I look forward to hearing from you!

UPDATE: The contest is over and the card has been won by "Seven"! Thanks for playing!!!


1 – 200 of 265   Newer›   Newest»
Whitney said...

Yea! THe first time I've ever been first :) I encounter homework on a daily basis and that is no fun...

SkylineHIghClassOf2000 said...

me please

brooke said...

The biggest obstacle I face in my daily life is working in the family business. I live at my parents' home, and that's where our office is, so there's no escape. Plus, my dad is the type of person that wants to get stuff done as soon as he thinks of it, which means that he'll ask me to look up a receipt at 10:30 pm if he's doing stuff. It's hard to maintain distance without isolating myself from my family by going somewhere else or hiding in my room.

Anonymous said...

I'm a newly wed...celebrating my first anniversary in March...sometimes communication is the hardest thing I face everyday...still learning and growing...and madly in love with my wonderful husband.

Greta said...

Yesss, I'm the first! Haha, my biggest obstacle is getting up in the morning. Hmmm, I wonder why!

Jenny said...

Starbucks has the perfect choice of drinks for a cold winter's day.

My biggest obstacle that I face daily is that I am raising my 3 month son alone while his daddy is in Iraq. It is a struggle everyday.

michelle said...

My biggest obstacle each day has got to be motivation. As a stay at home mom, sometimes I feel like I live in the move Groundhog Day. I get up, I do the same things each day, I go to bed, and when I wake up, I do it all over again. As routine as my life is, I do love caring for my family and I wouldn't trade it for any other job. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Traumajunky said...

Great giveaway, thanks! My biggest obstacle is living in a very small apartment with my daughter. I really wish we both had more space. I am thankful that we have a place to live though and that it's safe and clean.

FALANA said...

Missing my sweet Neil. He was my best friend and thought I was the smartest most beautiful person alive.

Anonymous said...

Fun! I think my biggest obstacle is myself. I doom my projects and dreams from the get go by not believing I can make them happen. Mess-wise, my biggest obstacle is my daughter. When she visits, as she recently did, it takes WEEKS to clean up after her once she's gone!

Team Zachary said...

Cool - I think I'm first!! My biggest daily obstacle - trying not to be over obsessive clean freak that I am by NOT cleaning up every toy my son plays with the second his hands leave it! I'm so bad about that - he looks to be done with it, so I immediately put it away. Not good for me, not good for teaching him to clean up after himself, and not good for his creativity either. I've got to be more calm about toys everywhere :-)

Thansk for this great offer! Very kind of you!

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle is CLUTTER! I need to get organized.

Deborah said...

please enter me! biggest obstacle is dealing with my job...not a big fan at the moment

Megan said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway. I think the biggest obstable I find on a daily basis is that I am not making the time for two is prayer time with God and the other is exercise. They are both on my resolution list, so I am working on it!

Kristen M. said...

Wow, I'm the first. My biggest obstacle is not wasting my day looking at blogs!

Jane O' said...

My husband recently retired. We need a little space from each other to save my sanity, so I could really use this Starbucks card to get him out of the house:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the gc.
My obstacle is dealing with all the issues that my preemie son has and then his daddy on top of that!

It's Whimsy said...

Biggest obstacle would have to be motivation to keep going. :) See, here I am procrastinating.

Anonymous said...

The biggest encounter I face in my daily life is losing weight and maintaining a diet. I've been warned several times and it's harder than I thought.


United Studies said...

First! Wow. Please enter me. I love Starbucks. Thanks!

MrsMomma said...

My biggest obstacle? How about a combination of the three? LOL, no, I guess I'd say trying to divide my time equally between my kiddies and save some time for myself. I homeschool my daughter who is easily distracted and my son is at the age where he wants to show me everything he does while playing. Thanks for offering the Starbucks Card!


Unknown said...

My biggest weekday obstacle is babysitting my 2 nieces every day after school. They are a handful!

Thanks for the giveaway!

TX Mom said...

My name is Ellen. My biggest obstacle is a messy house and trying to get everything done in the day! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Yea for Starbucks!!!! Could use some now. Biggest obstacle--oh there are so many...I think it could be lack of organization and the overwhelming feeling that follows as a result...Trying to tackle clutter but probably taking on too much at once.

Thanks for making me think.

Liz Zelie said...

What a generous giveaway - everyone enjoys a good Starbucks gift card even if, like me, they don't drink coffee! I've so enjoyed visiting everyone's blogs this week and realizing how many amazing people there are.

Jessica said...

Whining kids and clutter!

brandy said...

my biggest obsticle is my kids are messy and get into everything. bigger than that my husband doesn't help me with anything

PS said...

I think the biggest obstacle I encounter everyday is the dishwasher. I swear it is always full, and we have a one glass a day rule. It seems like whenever I go to put something in it, its full...I'm on a bad cycle!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering the Starbucks card. My biggest obstacle to my day some days is my teenage daughter who thinks she knows everything, but really doesn't. She's a good kid, but sometimes very frustrating. So on days when she is being stubborn, she is my biggest obstacle even though I love her to pieces!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to link to my blog! OOOPS!

Katie Swaner said...

My daily struggle is not to strangle my husband. Starbucks helps with that. :)

Anonymous said...

Biggest obstacle... When can I go to the bathroom!?

heidi @ ggip said...

Wow, am I the first comment!?

The biggest obstacle for me is toys toys everywhere. And keeping the kitchen clean.

Thanks and have a fun contest!

charmed said...

Biggest obstacle? Not enough time in my day to do all that needs to be done! What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com.

CrystalGB said...

I would say small home. We have clutter everywhere because we have no where to put things.

Karin said...

I am extremely messy and have to climb over junk to get in and out of the bedroom! The rest of the house is better..... thank you for the giveaway.

Susan said...

My biggest obstacle is keeping the house picked up, there is always stuff all over the floor. Thanks for the giveaway.

Alaina said...

I love Starbucks! What a great giveaway. I struggle daily with organization.

Mary said...

Ok, I guess I am first - yipee!

Bebemiqui said...

Biggest obstacle: using my time well. Great giveaway! bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Hmm biggest obstacle, staying on a budget I think. Thanks for the giveaway!

Shana said...

I struggle with our SUPER tight budget EVER day! Thanks for this great giveaway and be sure to check out my giveaway on my blog!

e-mail ...
blog ...

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Starbucks!!

The biggest challenge...staying faithful in my diet and workouts. Trying to get back into shape after having a baby :)

Dawn said...

My biggest obstacle is trying to be on time for work EVERY DAY.

Unknown said...

I love Starbucks! My biggest obstacle I encounter is 4 boys in a small house that constantly looks messy because of all the stuff cluttered everywhere!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a shot at one of my FAVORITE things! STARBUCKS!

My biggest obstacle is time management :/, but I don't think that's what you're looking for. Otherwise, it's probably staying on top of's a never ending battle!

If you're interested, please stop by my blog.

(my email if I'm lucky enough to win is pensieve(dot)love(at)gmail(dot)com


ahiltz said...

Love Starbucks! #1 Daily challenge I run into is getting my two boys up and getting them ready for school! They are 9 & 11 and share a room together! Grrr...they drive me nuts with their playing around and rough-housing when they should be getting dressed, etc.! #2 Would be trying to keep my 4 yr. old daughter's room straighted and that their is a pathway to walk to get to her bed at night (without stepping on something!)! Grrr...that girl is always making messes in her room and is a disaster zone! That Starbucks card would be a nice way for me to escape in peace and energize me to deal with these ongoing issues! What are your two worst issues that you deal with? :-)

Thanks so much for doing this!

Rachie S. said...

Messy husband :(
But I love him!!!!
I LOVE Starbucks...thank you!

Mrs. Sara said...


The biggest obstacle I face is keeping my house clean and presentable. It's pretty small, and both my husband and I work, so when we get home, we don't feel like cleaning! :)

Please enter me! My email is:

Thanks a ton!

Hannah said...

My biggest obstacle is my siblings. Not that I don't love them it's just I have a lot of them and they occasionally get on my nerves. :)

Please add me to your list.

KnittinChick said...

My biggest challenge is in my own head-Seriously! I tend to say yes WAY too much and am learning to say no... but I battle some significant guilt.

However, I often take a SB run to leave work and clear my head. You could help me out:-)

Georgia4God said...

woohoo! sign me up please! :o)

Glass Half Full said...

Sign me up!


ali said...

please enter me. thanks

Ames said...

Dishes - that's the biggest obsticle for me right now. No dishwasher... no motivation...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

The hardest part of my day is being on time. Ever since becoming a mother I usually have something go missing or a child that needs to be changed, go to the potty, anything come up at the last minute that makes me late. Late for work. Late for church.

Anonymous said...


Scarlett said...

The biggest problem I have daily is a messy ME! I have so many books and craft supplies (mostly knitting) that I'm running out of places to keep everything, so it ends up on the floor.

phxbne said...

The biggest obstacle for me is enough energy to get done all I want/need to do. So Starbucks helps!

Chantelle said...

my biggest challenge is def my messy dh lol

Kristen M. said...

I thought I posted a comment already? Anyway, my biggest obstacle would be to not waste my entire day reading blogs.

Wendy said...

My biggest obstacle definitely has to be how to juggle my own daughter and the kids I babysit at home. She gets VERY jealous when I pay any attention to them:(

Lissete said...

Biggest obstacle? First, it's waking up. I have a hard time getting up in the morning :) Then it's messy DH & 1 of my girls. Lets just pile stuff in the sink and see if it magically disappears! No fairy in this house though, I raise heck!

xashee's corner said...

my biggest obstacle is my small place and FOUR dogs lol wouldn't be TOO bad if one of the dogs WASN'T 60lbs & BIG!! LOL i trip over them constantly :D one day they might learn to get out of MY way hehe Thank you soo much for joining in on this FUN giveaway AND for this chance!! Have a GREAT day :D

peg42 said...

Thanks so much for the great giveaway. My biggest problem that I face is getting my sons not to fight. Especially first thing each morning. Thanks again.

Robin said... to determine the biggest? LOL I guess finding time. I homeschool my 5 kids, ages 13-1 and finding time to do all I want/need to in a day can be challenging.

Amber said...

School:) What a great idea~ Thanks for entering me:)

Sheila said...

Hi there! My biggest obstacle is too many of all of them, plus messy me! Thanks for counting me in!

Sweetpeas said...

Yum! Starbucks!! The biggest problem in our house is probably my kids' love for "crafts" that means little itty bitty pieces of paper & such all over everything LOL

Amity said...

I love Starbucks...My biggest obstacle...I would say it is the fact that I just can't seem to get an order to my day (i.e.routine, schedule)

Celeste said...

My biggest obstacle is being patient with my two toddlers, for sure!

Tyna said...

My # 1 obstacle currently is being VERY pregnant and just way to tired and sore to do anything!

windycindy said...

Hi, Nice giveaway! I think taking care and worrying about my 89 year old dad. It is not an obstacle and I am glad he is in our lives. Mostly, I worry about his safety and such. Thanks,Cindi

Someone Being Me said...

Sign me up. My biggest obstacle is getting up, getting the baby fed, dressed, changed, and packing up all of his stuff to get him to daycare so I can get to work on time.

Tracy said...

My biggest challenge is jealous children

tnayar at verizon dot net

Minty Fresh said...

My biggest obstacle is my messy desk! I can never seem to keep it clean!

Jes said...

count me in please! the biggest obstacle I encounter is probably my small apartment. We don't have enough space for everything so it gets messy very easily.

Chelsea said...


Welcome to the blogging world! I think my biggest obstacle during the day is keeping myself active enough AFTER work so I don't just sit around the house and watch tv (no kids yet) and actually do some housework. This usually means I just need to do some light cleaning and pick up my crafting/sewing messes, but still, one of my biggest challenges. Oh, that and finding the motivation to workout and be healthy...something I haven't quite mastered yet.

Tracy DeLuca said...

I think my biggest obstacle is that no one seems to think they need to help out around the house. My teen and my hubby would not be bothered if the house was a trash heap! LOL... so it is either do it myself or nag all day and night. Great giveaway!

Zaankali said...

teenagers. please count me in.

Ms Moore said...


I think my biggest obstacle is not my messy husband - but my messy self. I get so distracted - and things like doing the dishes seem so minor (doesn't help that the messy husband encourages this: "don't worry-they'll be there tomorrow).

Thanks - Sarah

Sharon said...

Can I list all of those? Nah, I'll go with small house.

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Yea Starbucks! My biggest obstacle? An almost-4-year-old girl who's going on 13. What an attitude she can have sometimes!

Gretchen said...

I'm giving this one, too. :)

My biggest obstacle is myself and not getting off this computer when I need to get busy. :) This has been fun, but luckily for my family, it only happens a couple of times a year. The blog-hopping is addicting.



Holladay Family said...

My biggest problem is my husband and my children don't clean up after themselves. It is really hard to pick up after 5 people and have no one care to help me. I feel like living this way so they WANT to do something about it. Oh, the life! Starbucks would at least reward ME for doing stuff for everyone else all the time! Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Paperwork! It's nearly impossible to keep on top of it. Grr.. (But coffee helps me cope, hint hint!)

rookiem at live dot com

Natalie said...

Wow, I'm the first!

Jenny said...

MMM, I love Starbucks! I think my biggest obstacle (other than the bloggy giveaways this week!) is just getting going. Once I start, it just rolls along.

M.E. said...

Wow, my biggest pain are those 3 you mentioned! The messy husband is at the top though.
Enter me, please!

Liz said...

My thing is lack of energy, but that might be caused by four active kids, a pile of laundry sky high, and hungry mouths to feed, not to mention all the other stuff that goes into living!
elisarosehilliard at gmail dot com

Snowbird said...

OMG, am I really #1. I love Starbucks--especially their White Chocolate Mocha. Sign me up, please.

CG said...

hmm..let's see my biggest obstacle? Probably finding energy to complete house projects. I have so I probably need some Starbucks coffee to get me going :-)

Anonymous said...

A small house with 9 people in it. Cramped quarters makes for cranky attitudes and me always trying to keep it clean.

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can contact me via the contact form on my blog.

Katharine said...

biggest obstacle... not enough storage! I live in a decent sized apartment, but whoever designed it thought it would be a good idea to have an eat-in kitchen as well as a dining area so half my kitchen has no cabinets. Very frustrating. I love starbucks, I'd love to win (:

Ananga-manjari said...

My biggest obstacle is probably a pile of unfolded, clean laundry. I am tackling one such pile right now.

Muddy said...

The biggest obstacle I may face during the day right now are the dishes in my sink! :)
Great giveaway, Thanks

Marilyn B said...

My husband is worse than a kid. He is sooo messy, never picks up after himself. Ughh he drives me mad some days ... But I love him dearly anyways :)Thank you for hosting this great giveaway!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner :)

my kids are messy but my job probably keeps me the busiest. its hard tryin to juggle work/home life

Mrs. Wolfe said...

I'm 'Poppy' and I'd love to win this!

As for the obstacle...I guess it's the chaos of having a bunch of siblings and several crazy dogs running around all the time! But I wouldn't trade them for anything!!

Thanks for hosting this!

Elena said...

Thanks for the contest! My biggest obstacle is multiple obstacles--all the little distractions. The phone calls, the messy desk, etc etc.

Bree said...

My biggest obstacle would be entertaining my 10 month old daughter for free!

Marcia said...

My biggest one is having to work full time. I would love to be a SAHM for my daughter, and it's so difficult to leave her everyday eventhough I'm so blessed that my own mother can babsit for me. It's just not the same!

Katie said...

Oh hi!
1. Katie K.
2. We're first time homeowners so didn't realize how terribly our house is laid out for children. Great when they want to run in circles but awful when we're trying to have one/both of them asleep. We struggle with this all day every day because someone always needs to be sleeping.

Heather said...

well the thing I deal with most is a messy 2 yo old. trains trains and more trains. thanks

smw1117 said...

The biggest? wiered and judgy 'friends'... gotta dump 'em...

*Tanyetta* said...


please, count me in. thank you so much.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

My kids and their clutter. They're my greatest blessing and their stuff will be my undoing! Terrific giveaway. Thanks!

Emily said...

My biggest obstacle in my day is simply finding enough time to do all the things that need to be done around the house.


N said...

Getting everything done, and getting enough sleep, all in 24 hours!

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle is using my time wisely. I tend to procrastinate too much!

emilycontestemail at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The biggest obstacle in my life is SIN
if I don't spend time
in the word and praying
for my family it seems
that time is waisted
and I don't find time
through the day again
even if my intension are
right. But when I do even
if things don't go right
(in my eyes) its ok.

Sahm Lee said...

Were do I start, the biggest issue in my house is that I'm the only one who does any housework! 6 people, 13 cats, 1 dog and 1 seriously exhausted mom!

mtmommy said...

I am Erika... biggest obstacle is never having enough hours in the day for all the things I plan to get done!!!

susan1215 said...

always cleaning up

Petra said...

I love Starbucks!

My biggest obstacle is health problems. My husband and I have five children, so poor health gets in the way a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, biggest obstacle would have to be trying to overcome my fear of speaking in public. It's weird, I will be fine doing work presentations, but when I have to do the Q/A or "schmooze" I turn bright red and want to hide in the corner.

Jackie said...

This is a great giveaway. Please enter me in it! Thank you so much.

My biggest obstacle is my own procrastination.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

my house and time alone with God.

Anonymous said...

How fun!! Please enter me! Biggest obstacle? Messy Brothers!!

Kierra said...

paying those darn monthly bills!

Sam-Is-Mad said...

Wanting to do too many things. That's my biggest issue.

Corina said...

I would love a Starbucks card.
My biggest daily obstacle is myself. For real.
I procrastinate, tend to be lazy, spend too much time on the net, eat the wrong things, sigh...What's that they say, "I'm my own worst enemy".

Katie B said...

The biggest obstacle that I face is motivation to complete housework. I truly need to vacuum and mop, but I have neglected to do so for far too long. Other things just seem to get in the way...

Barb said...

My biggest obstacle is being distracted on the internet - too many blogs to read! Please pick me!

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

qBiggest obstacle is the long wait to adopt a child....

Sarah said...

sarahlikescoupons at yahoo dot com

biggest obstacle? Balancing school and home life....being patient while waiting to graduate!

JaniceJ said...

My biggest obstacle is both a messy husband and a small house, so if he just sits something somewhere instead of putting it away, it always looks messy. Thank you for the giveaway!

Denise said...

So my biggest obstacle is distractions! I start one thing then get's a never ending cycle!
Thanks for a chance to win some Starbucks!

Nise' said...

Biggest obstacle is lack of focus. I tend to get very distracted.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Oh, definitely distractions!

Great giveaway... and fun question!

kelly said...

My biggest obstacle is modivation.

Jessica said...

Count me in! My biggest obstacle at home is a lack of space in my small house.

Kristine said...

Lack of time to keep everything organized.

James & Andrea said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Not enough time in the day!Thanks for the great giveaway!

Suz said...

I encounter grouchy coworkers. Thanks!

Jen said...

Multi tasking is hard for me in the drawing please.

Suz said...

Crazy coworkers! Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle in life is my own impatience. Thank you for this amazing giveaway and please enter me!

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle in life is my own impatience. Thank you for this amazing giveaway and please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Fun giveaway! My biggest obstacle is time management - finding a way to fit everything in to the hours of awake time I have each day!

Please enter me in your drawing!

Truth said...

Biggest obstacle? Me and my own selfishness.

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool giveaway!! I think my biggest obstacle is controlling clutter from 4 people in a small house!! By the way - love Starbucks!! Thanks for entering me!

~Nancy~ said...

Thanks for the chance. Be sure to come enter mine.

My biggest obstacle is being overwhelmed with a home based business. I live with my inventory and it drives me crazy! I never get to get away from work.

JewelsHud said...

This would be a wonderful yummy! As for the biggest obstacle, I would have to say boredom and lack of professional fulfillment - that being said, I love being a mom! Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

That is my own mouth...yes I can injure with my words...

stbaisch AT

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

A tiny house with too much stuff, and no one else in the family motivated to clean or organize!

Unknown said...

hmmm, daily issues include general toddler stuff - temper tantrums, demands of attention, etc

Teri said...


Michelle said...

Oh what a great giveaway and fun topic--my obstacle is finding the time and energy for mundane tasks, when really I want to play with my daughter and have fun on the internet! Dishes? laundry? vacuuming? NO Fun!

Mommy said...

Please enter me! Waking up early, and then to stop procrastinating! Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)

Chelsea said...

My biggest obstacle is staying sane while taking care of my 2-year-old toddler! :o)

Melissa said...

My biggest obstacle is keeping my daughter out of what she doesn't need to be into! It's crazy how fast she can go!

Julie Donahue said...

My biggest obstacle is giving my kids and husband all the attention they need after a busy day at work.

Kyra said...

My House! I cannot seem to keep it organized and picked, no matter how hard I try!

CC said...

messy kids, messy husband, small home.... and never home to deal with any of it!!! (work away from home mom!)

Anonymous said...

Biggest challenge at the moment is money is stretched thin... we're trying to buy a house this year... and one of our cars just broke down beyond repair. I spend a lot of time thinking about it.

glimpsed said...

I would say my biggest challenge right now is deciding what i want to do after high school. I have some possibilites, but I'm not certain i want to do them for the rest of my life..
But i have a feeling Starbucks will brighten my day :p

Anonymous said...

I'd say my biggest obstacle right now is lack of energy, I can't seam to get it all done - homeschooling, helping run a business, taking care of little ones, not to mention laundry and cleaning and dealing with special needs/diets.
Starbucks sound delightful!

Anonymous said...

Obstacles? Whew, theres lots of them, time, energy, money...


Anonymous said...

biggest challenge - feeling like i'm running in circles, and never "getting there"


runlikeagrrl said...

Hmmm, I'd say right now my biggest struggle is that I have fallen back into some not exactly healthy eating habits and I can't seem to find the strength/willpower/motivation to turn the tide. I know the hardest part is just getting started, after that it gets easier by the day.

Stacey said...

My biggest obstacle - I am a single mother and my son and I bicker a lot, so I think that our bickering is my biggest obstacle.

Please enter me in yoru giveaway


The Chatty Housewife said...

Thank you for the giveaway! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

The biggest obstacle I encounter- well I will change this to the biggest obstacle I have encountered in the past. Battling Rheumatoid Arthritis! It's tough.

Allison said...

My biggest obstacle is usually wading through my email inbox! :)

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle is waking up tired. Late nights + baby = grumpy woman. I really ought to be in bed now, but count me in anyway.

Anonymous said...

After being a stay at home mom for many years (now an empty nester) I find that the biggest obstacle I face most days is having to get ready for work. If I could just go from eating breakfast to being at work it would be a whole lot better. Maybe a little Starbucks would help.

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please. lack of motivation/discouragement

Maude Lynn said...

Not enough time, not enough sleep!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Love Starbucks.

My obstacle is really making sure to keep a positive perspective, I need Christ daily.

JoAnn said...

My biggest obstacle is my own tendency to get distracted. I can start doing something and it will never get done because I saw or thought of something and off I went. Then I see or think something else and the cycle continues until I'm frantically trying to get the most important things done and leaving the rest for tomorrow.

Angela S said...

My biggest obstacle is probably my depression. I've been blessed to find a great doctor who's helped me fined the right medication balance. Its been a crappy health year but I like to hope we're on the upside now. Regardless its the sweet things in life like blogs, the internet, friends and my family that make each day so great! Thanks for offering.

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle is actually getting up in the morning. I have tried to get up early, then I am in a bad mood all day. So everyone encourages me to sleep in

I actually need to coffee to help me be in a better

Thanks for the give away.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be traffic.

LivingforGod said...

My biggest obstacle I face in my daily life is keeping the whole house clean and organized at all time :).

Peggy said...

My biggest obstacle is procrastination. It seems to be getting worse as I get older...when is that wisdom going to kick in?!

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

My biggest obstacle is stying focused.

Wait, what was the question?


noreen said...

getting enough sleep!!

Tina said...

My biggest obstacle would be trying to work full time while going to school to get my nursing degree....blah!

Cherie said...

I don't have enough time. Please count me in. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My biggest obstacle is not having enough "me" time. I'd like to have more time to relax.


Anonymous said...

My husband is a flight attendant so my biggest obstacle is him being gone for so long. I feel like a single parent some times.

palmtreefanatic said...

I would love this
thank you so much!

Robin M. said...

I think my biggest obstacle in daily life is getting my priorities straight... determing which thing (or person) needs me the most... it tough

Erin said...

Great giveaway! Thank you.

My biggest obstacle at the moment, is adjusting to being a newly single mom. It's hard work!

Meredith A. said...

The biggest obstacle right now is making it through the day with morning sickness!!

tlcfromtn said...

My biggest obstacle is finding time for myself. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

My biggest obstacle each day is ME. I cannot seem to get organized (so I'm really signing up for the organization items that are being given away). If I were more organized, my life would be so much easier. I know it would.

Mommin' It Up! said...

my name is jenny, my email is jenny [at] momminitup [dot] com, and my biggest obstacle is keeping the HOUSE CLEAN! with two little ones who mess it up 5 minutes after I finish cleaning!! it is very discouraging.

GiBee said...

My biggest obstacle is that we are all LAZY. We leave things lying around instead of putting them back in their place ASAP.!!! I hate that! Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!!

Londa said...

Biggest obstacle? I would have to say getting everything in order... I keep hoping that one day everything will have a place in our home so that we can run like clockwork and have more quality free time to be together as a family. Right now, I just do well to get a shower in the morning with two little ones running around and one due end of the month!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

A family of boys said...

Yum Starbucks! I guess one of my biggest obstacles in my everyday life is just getting the day started. I know that when I get going earlier, I get more accomplished and it's all good. Otherwise, I feel like i waste so much time.

Evelyn said...

My biggest obstacle in daily life is laziness ... pure and simple. I waste more time and it is sad ... I have all this time to myself and I don't feel like I am productive at all. If I win, I could be lazy with a starbucks latte in hand ... lol. Thanks for offering a chance to win a great prize.

Tisa said...

My biggest daily encounter is staying focused as I seem to get sidetracked quite easily. Please count me in! Thanks ~ :)

Britni said...

My biggest obstacle is trying to get motivated to work out. I struggle with it daily!

/\Heather/\ said...

Hey, I'm Heather.
My biggest obstacle would be the enormous amount of stupid paper in the house. It must leave.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Donna said...

My biggest obstacle each day is finding the time to get to everything that needs to be done. I have 4 children (homeschooling 3 of them) and 1 on the way, so things are very busy!

Liz said...

My biggest obstacle is trying to keep the house picked up because we have a very small house and their is just not room for everything! My son's playroom is our living room so it is always covered in stuff! But I am thankful to have a house and a beautiful son!

Julie said...

Not enough time!

Thanks so much!

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