So the other night I was having a terrible headache bordering on migraine. He asked what he could do and I asked him to get some Naproxen, which he graciously did. I looked at him in all seriousness and said, "With the way things have been going, I'm having an aneurysm and you'll be stuck taking care of me for the rest of my life" (It's been a bad week). He gave me the most sincere look with the deepest concern in his eyes and responded, "Oh honey, taking care of you would never bother me - it's the money it would cost to pay people to care for you that I worry about." followed by his most wry grin.
I know that relationships always take work, but like I've said many times to my friends - there is a difference between work and 'working in a coal mine' work in a relationship - and I've finally learned that!!!